Lamborghini Miura S - The Original Supercar
My dad grew up in Chicago and experienced his automotive coming of age in the 60s. He quickly established himself as a sportscar person for some reason which in the midwest was pretty unusual in the 1960s because everyone was into American cars. In those days in the midwest if the car wasn’t American it was just a foreign car it didn’t matter if it was a Volvo, VW or a Ferrari. So he had a lot of Triumphs and Jaguars and started driving Porsches and stuff like that. He bought the Miura--well if I’m honest he probably bought one because Miles Davis had one. His dad was a Jazz musician and so my dad spent a lot of time with Jazz musicians who are still known today in his youth. As a child he would spend time with Miles David playing trumpet together sometimes. Miles had a Miura and a Ferrari 275Gtb4.
Purchase Volume II of Car Tales’ bi-monthly Magazine to read the full story behind Derek Tam-Scott and his Lamborghini Miura S! Or purchase a subscription to all Six Volumes!